For this forth blog post, I would like to talk about a project I did at the beginning of the year. This project taught me a lot about designing for another individual and making redesigns according to feedback.
A little context, this is a past project of mine: Near the end of 2023 I reached out to the individual that owned and operated “LC Knits” after hearing about their search for a new logo/brand. I offered by service as a way to practice my skills and get a sense for real design work. They agreed and from there I started designing, though starting with very little direction.
Before I reached out, I designed this preliminary logo that I put together to show what I could do and hopefully spark they interest. They didn’t end up going for this design, wanting something more “whimsical,” but none the less appreciated the initiative and liked the design. This design is more serious and technical, inspired by more modern logos like “REI” and “Apple.”
After first contact, we discussed changes and Ideas to the design, which led to a full redesign in the following logo. This one took the whimsical note to heart, showing a much lighter side than the previous logo. This design represents the stuffed animals and other wholesome creations the company produces. They still weren’t sure about this design, stating that the monkey in the logo doesn’t really align with their brand and would prefer a different animal, suggesting a hippo specifically. I tried to get this logo to work with the feedback, but ended up opting for an almost complete redesign.
These two designs were done together, giving an option and route for better feedback for the next design. I went for a round shape that represents yarn, and made a hippo the focus, adding a ribbon to the second design to fill out the shape. They loved the second one, saying that would would go with it if the pattern on the hippo were changed to a knitting pattern. So, in my next iteration that’s exactly what I did.
This whole process was one of my longest at the time, with more full redesigns than any other project. Working with someone to get a product to a point where they are completely happy with it can be a challenge, and will take extensive communication from both sides. I learned a lot from this project: Communication, iteration, coming up with new ideas through feedback, and designing for a more professional setting. You can see this logo currently in use at!
Here is a photo of my complete work file, a glimpse into my erratic work cycle:
Thank you for reading, go out and design enchantment!
-Maxxon Yocom